
Situation Notes: This area covers the nature strip, footpath and are at the front boundary of the property
Possible Causes
Frequent electrical surges
Lightning strikes, damage to power lines, faulty appliances and bad electrical wiring in the house.
Sags and Dips in power
Devices connected to power grid that are faulty or made with substandard materials ,and draw a lot of power when they are turned on.
Light switches not working properly
Shoddy workmanship or sub-standard products
Circuit breaker tripping frequently
High wattage items
Limit the electrical usage on a single circuit while high wat devices are in use
Circuit overload
Overloading of power boards
Never daisy – chain power boards, Remove devices that aren’t in use, Spread your electrical needs around – don’t overburden a single circuit, Be mindful of how you connect devices around the home – what’s on use and what is unnecessary.
Lights too bright or dim
Different types of lights with different wattage
Check that all the globes are identical
Electrical shocks
When turning on or off a device – issue could be with the appliance or it could be in the wiring.
Better speak with an electrician